Autumn and Ayurveda

At the end of a long, hot and humid summer, most of us look forward to the reprieve of Autumn breezes. The gradually changing temperatures and falling leaves are clear reminders that a transitional time of year is upon us. In Ayurveda, this time of year marked by cooler, dryer and windy weather, is considered the beginning of Vata season.
At the onset of Fall, many of us start to think of the approaching holidays, the cozy sweaters and of course, the pumpkin-themed treats. But, Ayurveda reminds us that this time of year is also an integral time of transition for our skin and self-care routines. As the season changes, and the weather cools, we must adapt not just our wardrobes but also our routines. Ayurveda has a lot of time-honored advice to impart for our well-being during Vata season including how what we do during this time impacts us well into winter and beyond.
Air, Air Everywhere

Elements that make up Vata, Air and Ether, are increased during this season often causing dryness in hair, skin and eyes. But on the upside, airy Vata is also known as the primary motivating force of the doshas. Like wind, it is known as ‘that which moves things’ inevitably bringing the phrase winds-of-change to mind. Vata is responsible for our mental and physical adaptability so it makes sense that it is the moving/energizing force of the body and mind. It governs our nervous system and even our physical senses. When Vata is in balance, our movement is airy and our mental processes flow, allowing us to feel spacious, centered and connected. Finding equilibrium during Vata Season is all about harnessing the flow of this breezy season
You are NOT a Snowflake

Elements that make up Vata, Air and Ether, are increased during this season often causing dryness in hair, skin and eyes. But on the upside, airy Vata is also known as the primary motivating force of the doshas. Like wind, it is known as ‘that which moves things’ inevitably bringing the phrase winds-of-change to mind. Vata is responsible for our mental and physical adaptability so it makes sense that it is the moving/energizing force of the body and mind. It governs our nervous system and even our physical senses. When Vata is in balance, our movement is airy and our mental processes flow, allowing us to feel spacious, centered and connected. Finding equilibrium during Vata Season is all about harnessing the flow of this breezy season.
Forget the snowflake analogy, consider yourself more like a leaf; an Autumn leaf.Autumn at first glance is a time of endings. The once vibrantly green leaves come into all their fall glory with hues of red, gold and orange that must necessarily fade to brown marking the end of the summer season. But Autumn also signals the rebirth that will occur once more after the old leaves have shed and gone, making room for the green to return.
Similarly, you and your skin will go through a period of adjustment and initial dryness but with proper care and adaptation to the cyclical nature of things, the glow will come once more.
With Dew Care

Ayurveda considers seasonal routine an important cornerstone of well-being. Keep Vata balanced throughout the fall and early winter by paying attention to the signs in your body and mind. With Ayurveda, you learn to ride the waves of nature instead of going against them. Just like the shedding leaves of the fall season, finding balance during Vata season means exfoliation in preparation for the new. It means nurturing our bodies and our skin with things like essential oils or herbs in combination which can replenish and rehydrate skin for a dewy complexion.
Protecting and caring for our skin during this drier season will prepare it for the winter season ahead. Especially as we get older, if we learn to move with the moving parts of life, if we adapt and navigate, we empower ourselves to face whatever may be ahead in every aspect. Beautiful skin and a beautiful life are the result of your whole body being healthy and this is accomplished by living in harmony with nature. In the end, you’ll feel fantastic no matter what the season.