Because Dad Needs a Skincare Routine Too
Father's Day Gift Guide
It’s time to put an end to 3-in-1 soap products. Repeat after me, we do not wash our faces and our bodies with the same cleanser. The skin on our face is much more delicate than the skin on our bodies, and thus requires more TLC!
Skincare products for men tend to be marketed as overly masculine “tough guy” products simply because the nature of skincare has been labelled as a “feminine” practice. It’s 2019, I think we can put these gender stereotypes aside and focus on something that everyone should care about: Clean, healthy skin.
It’s time to put our husbands, fathers, grandfathers, etc. onto a fresh skincare routine. We aren’t expecting a full-blown 10 step K-beauty routine, but we do expect a simple cleanser and moisturizer (maybe even a treatment, if they’re feeling ambitious!). And let’s face it, if we don’t buy it for them, they probably won’t buy it for themselves. So I’ve gathered a comprehensive Father’s Day gift guide for the man who could use a little guidance when it comes to their skincare routine. Trust us, he’ll thank you later!
Necessity #1: CLEANSER
And we aren’t talking a 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash. This is a cleanser specifically formulated for the skin on your face. Gentle yet effective, Mantra’s non-drying herbal formula effectively cleanses the skin without disturbing its natural balance. It’s easy to use and foams into a soft, gentle lather. It will remove impurities from the day including pollutants, dirt and oil, and leave your skin clean and clear!
Necessity #2: MOISTURIZER
Aside from a cleanser, a moisturizer is one of the most simple products to apply and incorporate into your routine. Moisturizing after cleansing will ensure that your skin remains hydrated and supple throughout the day. Loss of moisture can make it feel tight and dry, and too much moisture will leave you feeling greasy. A pearl-sized amount of Illume moisturizer soaks deeply into the skin for long lasting hydration without a greasy feel.
Necessity #3 TREATMENT
While this may be stepping beyond the boundaries of a simple, everyday skincare routine, it is necessary to prevent skin ailments and breakouts. Enlighten can be used 1-3x per week depending on your skin type. It’s a great beginner mask as you only need to apply it for 1-5 minutes before you rinse it off. With tried and true ingredients such as glycolic acid and red seaweed, Enlighten won’t leave your skin (or your loved one on Father’s Day) disappointed!