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The Winter 2015 edition of The Best of Mother Earth News includes more than 25 articles that cover a range of topics from food and cooking to organic gardening, from beekeeping to renewable energy. With more than 100 pages, this is the ultimate self-sufficient guide for any modern homesteader.

Discover how to make 5-minute homemade mayonnaise. Find out which chicken breed is best for your backyard flock. Read expert tips on growing tomatoes an entire month early. Follow simple building instructions for a classic one-room cabin for just about $6,000.

More articles include:

  • Cob Construction: Build with Earth and Straw – Hand-sculpt your custom, mortgage-free home from local, dirt-cheap materials.
  • Grow More Food in a Movable Greenhouse – Boost productivity in spring, summer, fall and winter with a do-it-yourself mobile greenhouse you can transport around your plot.
  • Make Your Own Fresh Sausage – Mix and form homemade sausage, which you can cook as patties or stuff in casings, and then eat right away or freeze for later.
  • Homemade Herbal Medicines – These powerhouse plant remedies can help you heal on a shoestring.
  • Build a Simple Solar Heater – This low-cost plan will show you how to turn a south wall into a source of free solar heat.